Spoken Word Poem-- Nate

Nature... It provides us with food, water, and life

What we need to survive and thrive

So why are we tearing it up day... and night

Who else wants to see what nature can do

I know I’m not the only one

Who wants to see the mountains

Covered in snow

I’m not the only one I know

Who wants to taste luscious fruit...

And what about the wild lions and leopards

Who rule the jungle

The wolves and dogs that travel in packs

Through all sorts of different landscapes

The bees that pollinate the beautifully scented flowers

And all the other wild animals that nature provides houses for

Don’t they deserve to have homes too

Don’t they deserve to live happily and peacefully just as we should

They are crucial to our lives and yet

We still destroy their habitats without a second thought...

This is not how it should be

Why can’t we see

That nature is like an enormous store in which everything is free...

It sells trees that provide us with oxygen

It sells Delicious foods and pure water

Everything us as humans count on to survive

Nature gives us the wondrous

sounds of chirping birds and trickling water

It gives us the feel of that water, the feel of the snow when that water freezes

And the feel of the leaves of the plants that that water has helped grow...

Nature is why people become scientists

It can shape careers

And if all this isn’t enough

Nature makes up part of the world itself

Nature is why we are alive

Nature is why there is life on Earth

So I would think twice before building houses on that field