Spoken Word Poem-- Anonymous

The ubiquitous screen,

There are positives…

But I wonder if they are outnumbered by the negatives?

Kids are so absorbed in social media,

But are they even social?

Adults are so devoted to their Instagram feed,

But then never taking the time to see their friends in person.

Kids mistake social media for their family,

But ignore their physical presence.

Your family should always be there for you,

And you have to show up in return.

I know it may feel safer to surf on a screen than in the Ocean,

But life is too short to bathe in the blue glow of the screen

Spend time to get to know your family,

Time with my family is precious. 

On a device, time disappears in the flash of a cursor,

So explore the world outside of the rectangle

Taste the ocean’s salt,

Hear the crashing waves,

Follow the seagulls darting and swaying through the sky like a kid on a swing,

Smell the seaweed bobbing in the Ocean’s deep

Feel the warm sand crumbling like a cookie,

Leave the space bar alone. Let’s go to space,

Participate in life. 

Be your own avatar. 

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